Monday, March 05, 2007

FRA says no to DM&E's new Powder River line.

Robert Novak's column today, "A Senator's Railroad No-Brainer," focuses on the project's champion in Congress, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.).

To review: "DM&E applied for the [$2.3 billion] loan guarantee under the Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RRIF) program to build and renovate a railway from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming, across South Dakota and into Minnesota to carry coal, ethanol and other agricultural products."

This project was the subject of a previous post on this blog a full year ago. Your conductor can't help wondering if the outcome might have been different if there had been a passenger component to this deal. Remember, only 2 of the 48 contiguous states have no Amtrak service. They are . . . wait for it . . . Wyoming and South Dakota.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a resident of SoDak, I wish that some sort of passanger train ran though this state. For one, the added challege to Sioux Falls and Rapid Airports. The bonus of having a train come to a state that depends on tourist dollars, thas a no brainer!

2:08 AM  

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